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Craps Buy Vs Place Bets

  1. Best Bets In Craps And Why
  2. Craps Place Bets Payout
  3. Inside Place Bet In Craps

In this example, the payout for the Buy and Place bets are equal, so the bets are considered a wash. By increasing the bet amount, you can make the Buy bet on the 5 and 9 better than the Place bet. Let’s compare a $50 Place bet to a $50 Buy bet. At 7:5 Place odds, your winning $50 Place bet wins $70. Buying #'s means you get True Odds but pay a 5% vig to the house.Placing #'s means u don't pay a vig but the Payout is Worse. So what I notice, is that its best to 'Place' the 6 n' 8. And 'Buy' the 4 n' 10. 5 n' 9 is a small difference in favor of Buying. A buy bet on any number has a house edge of 4.76%. Place bets on 4 & 10 has a house edge of 6.67%; 5 & 9 - 4.0%, and 6 & 8 - 1.53%. Even buying a 4 or 10 is still a high house edge bet that should be avoided.

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The pass line bet with odds is the best craps bet you can make because it has the lowest house edge. However, players can also wager on the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 at any time with a Place Bet. These numbers are sometimes referred to as “point numbers” or “box numbers,' and the wagers go in the big boxes shown on the layout. Place bets are very valuable when a shooter is rolling many numbers, as you'll get paid each time the number repeats.

How to Make Place Bets

To make a place bet you put your chips in front of you on the layout and tell the inside dealer which numbers you want to cover. The dealer will then move your chips to the numbered box you want to wager on. Place bets are not self-service bets.

The dealer keeps track of which bet belongs to which player by placing them strategically inside the box.

Winning Your Bet

Craps buy vs place bets

After you place a number it must roll before a seven appears in order to win. When the shooter sevens-out, you lose all of your place bets. When you win a place bet the dealer will push you your winnings but the original bet stays where it is and keeps winning if the number keeps rolling.

Your original bet will stay on the place number until the shooter sevens out or until you ask the dealer to take your bet down. You can take down your place bets anytime you want to. If the shooter makes their point the place bet will be turned-off for the come-out roll. Want it to work (win or lose) on the come-out? You've got to tell the dealer before the shooter releases the dice!


Best Bets In Craps And Why

The Pay Out

The true odds of rolling the numbers six and eight are 6 to 5 but a winning place bet on these numbers pays $7 to $6, so you must make your place bets on these numbers in multiples of six dollars. The house edge on the 6 and 8 is only 1.52 percent which makes it a very good bet.

The true odds of rolling a five or nine are 3 to 2 but a winning place bet on these numbers pays $7 to $, so you must make your place bets in multiples of five dollars. The house edge on the 5 and 9 is 4-percent.

The true odds of rolling the for or ten are 2 to 1 but a winning place bet on these numbers pays $9 to $5. These numbers require bets in multiples of five dollars. The house edge on the 4 and 10 is 6.67 percent.

Place Bets

Buy Bets

A Buy Bet is very similar to a place bet, but with slightly better odds for the player in the 4 and 10. When betting on a number with a buy bet you pay a 5 % commission to the house. Since the minimum chip value at the casino is a dollar you will be paying at least that much. It is not worth it to buy a number for less than $20.

If you are betting more than $10, buying the 4 and 10 is better than placing them. This is because you are being paid 2 to 1 instead of 9 to 5. Some casinos only charge you the commission on buy bets when you win. Ask the dealer at the table if this is their policy. If you have a choice of casinos to play in, always choose the one that only charges a commission on winning buy bets.

Buying the 6 and 8 is not worthwhile. You will actually have a higher house edge because of the commission.

Michael Shackleford: We've already talked about all the best bets on the table, the pass, the come, the, don't pass, the don't come, always backed up with the odds. So, these are all the best bets on the table. All you really need to know about craps is with those bets right there. If you just bet that, you'll be in great shape. However, there's still lots of other bets at the table which are not as good. Some of them are called place bets, so let's talk about those next. Those are generally not made on a come out roll, so let's make a pass line bet and wait for you to roll a point and then we will make some place bets.

Angela Wyman: All right.

Dan Lubin: Five. No field five.

Michael: Let's back up the pass line bet with a 20-dollar odds bet and now let's make some place bets. What a place bet is, is a bet that you're going to roll any one of these numbers that you choose before seven. Let's start with making place bets on the six and the eight. Those pay seven-to-six odds, so you should bet in increments of six dollars. So, let's bet six dollars on each of the six and the eight and these bets you own, you put in the come area and you have to tell the dealer what you want to do. You would say, “Place the six and the eight”.

Angela: Place the six and the eight.

Michael: Let's also make one on the nine. The place bet on the nine pays seven-to-five, those should be evenly divisible by five dollars, so let's make a five-dollar place bet on the nine.

Angela: Place nine.

Michael: We're not going to place the 5 because we already are going to win on that with the pass line bet, although we technically would be allowed to. Let's also place the four and the 10. Those pay nine-to-five odds, so those should be divisible by five.

Dan: If you can put 10 and say, “Give me the four and the 10”.

Michael: And it would be implied that she's odd betting on both of them equally.

Angela: Give me the four and the 10 then.

Dan: Okay. You're settled on the four and the 10.

Michael: Now we have covered all of the place numbers, all of the registers, so if you roll a four, five, six, eight, nine or 10, we'll win one of those bets. It's now the seven that is the dreaded number and will cause everything to lose, so stay away from the seven.

Angela: No seven. [Laughs]

Dan: 10 easy.

Michael: So, our place bet on the 10 wins. That's going to pay nine-to-five, so we just won nine bucks.

Dan: And here the dealer cuts out nine in the come and hands it off to the player.

Michael: And the dealer assumes that you want to keep that place bet up there, so he only paid you the winnings, he didn't return your original wager, he assumed you want to remake it. At any time, you can say, “Take these place bets down”. Once you make them, they're not locked in stone, you can remove them at any time but we're going to stay up there. So, just stay away from that seven.

Angela: All right.

Dan: You're 11, pay the come, pay the field.

Michael: So, nothing happens with that to us.

Dan: Four easy.

Michael: We just won nine dollars on our four.

Dan: Eight the hard way.

Michael: The six-dollar bet on the eight pays seven, so-- and you're still shooting.

Best bets in craps and why

Angela: Great.

Dan: Two crap deuce come away. Double the field.

Michael: That means nothing to us.


Dan: Nine's in.

Michael: Another winner. Our nine pays seven-to-five odds, so you just won seven dollars. Notice how you just keep raking in money as long as you stay away from that seven.

Dan: Exactly. The hot roll. Five, no field five.

Michael: We just won on a pass line bet, that's a big bet too. So, the point pays 30 and the five pays five. That's a new pass line bet and as I was explaining earlier, on a come out roll, sevens are bad, so there's three kinds of bets that get turned off automatically on a come out roll. Place bets, odds and come bets and buy bets. I'll explain buy bets next. Right now, the pressure is off. If you roll a seven, it's actually going to be good because the pass line will win and all those bets will just stay on the table.

Dan: Five no field, relight the five.

Michael: We light the five with a 20-dollar odds bet and now, all of our place bets are suddenly working again so stay away from that seven.

Dan: Eight the hard way.

Michael: Our six-dollar bet just won seven.

Angela: Hurray.

Dan: Seven the hard way.

Michael: We lost everything but you still did well.

Angela: [laughs]

Michael: Our stacks keep growing.

Angela: It's all right, we still have enough for dinner.


Michael: Angela, next I'm going to teach you about buy bets. Buy bets are just like place but they pay different odds. The way it works is that they pay statistically fair odds like an odds bet, except you have to pay a 5% commission on the amount of your bet. Mathematically speaking, you're better off making place bets on the five, six, eight and nine, so the only time you should even consider making a buy bet is on the four and the 10. Fair odds are two-to-one, however, you generally pay the 5% commission on wins only, so it's going to be like getting paid 19-to-10 odds which is better than the nine-to-five odds on the place bet.

And I know it sounds confusing but trust me, if you're going to be making place bets, don't make them on the four and the 10. Make buy bets instead. So, let's demonstrate the buy bets. It's a new come out roll. Traditionally, in craps they always make a line bet, meaning a pass or a, don't pass bet, but since you're the shooter, it's mandatory. So, let's make a pass line bet, a come out roll.

Dan: Four, [unintelligible 00:06:54] the four.

Michael: Out of habit, let's make an odds bet, 15 dollars on your four. We already covered the four with this, so now let's make a buy bet on the 10. As I was saying before, buy bets pay 19-to-10 odds, so if you don't want to lose anything on the rounding-- because in every game they always round down, you should make buy bets in even in even increments of 20 dollars. So, let's bet 20 dollars on the 10.

Dan: Buying in the 10 for 20, this is what you would say and I would settle it up and I would put a buy lid on it. It's better to know it's a buy bet.

Michael: Try to roll a four or a 10 and stay away from the seven.

Angela: All right, no seven.

Dan: 10 the hard way.


Michael: So, your first buy bet ever wins.

Craps Place Bets Payout

Dan: I've cut out 40 dollars, pays two-to-one minus the commission, so there's 40 dollars, 25 and 15 for 40. On the 20-dollar bet, the commission is a dollar, so I'd say, “Madam, drop a dollar” and I would pay the soft on her hand, pick up the dollar.

Michael: To summarize, her 20-dollar buy bet paid two-to-one odds minus a 5% commission. Two times 20 is 40, she owed one dollar commission because 5% of 20 is one, so she just won 39 dollars. That's pretty much all there is about the buy bets. I would like to add that-- let's say Angela was uncomfortable betting 20 dollars on the 10, let's say that she was comfortable with 10, she could do that. That 10 dollars is going to pay nine fifty if it wins, but you always round down to the nearest dollar, so that win is going to round down to 19 dollars.

However, what if she made a place bet of 10 dollars? That would pay nine-to-five or a total win of 18 dollars. What's more, 19 or 18? The 19. So, even though you're losing 50 cents due to the rounding, you're still better off making a buy bet on the four and the 10 as long as you're at least betting 10 bucks. Right, Dan? Did I have it right?

Dan: Absolutely, you had it perfect.

Inside Place Bet In Craps

Michael: Okay, I think that that covers buy bets.