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Grim Fandango Casino Calavera

Grim fandango year 4
  • As promotion before the game was released, Manuel Calavera appears as a dead pirate in a bakery with a badge that reads 'Ask me about Grim Fandango'. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999).
  • Grim Fandango repeatedly showcases this skill thoughout Manny Calavera’s four year journey through the Land of the Dead. While surprising players with new characters and locations is certainly valuable, reusing and growing existing characters can be just as memorable and impactful.
  • Based on various legends of Mexican folklore, Grim Fandango is packed to the hilt with dancing skeletons, crime, romance, and much more. Take on the role of Manny Calavera, a travel agent for the.

This guy and his opinion are streets ahead for saying so. Grim Fandango is an intense, funny noir set in the land of the freaking dead. I absolutely love all of the Monkey Island games but they cannot touch Grim Fandango.

About Him

Living... in the Land of the Dead. This is where all departed souls go, and depending on their actions in life, they end up stuck there or move forward to the Ninth Underworld a.k.a. the Land of Eternal rest. Manny’s sins (whatever they were) must have been serious, because he got stuck working in the Department of Death, where helps makes the travel arrangements for newly arrived souls.

Grim Fandango Casino Calavera

Profession... travel agent. Manny is essentially a grim reaper. He says, “My scythe; I like to keep it next to where my heart used to be.” He helps recently arrived souls figure out where they need to go next. Many souls must complete an arduous journey to reach peace, but lucky ones can travel to paradise in style on the Number Nine train.

Interests… playing cards. One of Manny’s prized possessions is an old deck of playing cards. His favorite game is Solitaire.

Relationship Status... alone. Manny is a jaded, sarcastic loner who only looks out for himself. However, when the kind and beautiful Mercedes “Meche” Colomar enters his life, he decides to help someone else for once and get her the afterlife she deserves.

Challenge... unrigging the system. When Manny uncovers a plot to steal precious Number Nine tickets from lost souls that have earned them, he embarks on a four-year journey to root out the corruption and set things right.

Personality... rough, but with a softer side. The many years Manny has spent as a bureaucrat in the Land of the Dead have made him bitter, cynical, and extremely competitive. However, the more he begins to aid poor cheated souls, the more caring and heroic he becomes.

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Find Him In

  • Grim Fandango

    Something's rotten in the land of the dead, and you're being played for a sucker. Meet Manny Calavera, travel agent at the Department of Death. He sells luxury packages to souls on their four-year journey to eternal rest. But there's trouble in paradise. Help Manny untangle himself from a conspiracy that threatens his very salvation.

Leave the Casino and go back to the room with the betting window. Walk up the stairs and up another set of stairs outside. Show Carla, the security officer, the Cigarette Case. When she asks what it is tell her “I don’t know. I found it under your desk.” Say that there was a “Shifty looking guy there…” She’ll explode the case and you’ll pick up the Key that was inside.


Go into your inventory and select the Gold-Flaked Liquor. Use the item twice to take two drinks. Now walk through the metal detector. Carla will take you upstairs. Ask her about the metal detector until she gets fed up and throws it out the window.

Go downstairs all the way to the bottom and then right to the cat sand pit. Walk out along the walkway and use the Scythe on the sand to try and pick up the Metal Detector. When you’re standing on the right spot you’ll pick it up.

Leave the Casino and head over to the Lighthouse. You can get there by going back to the circular platform and taking the left path. Continue past the Sea Beas to the Lighthouse. Use the Key to open the door. After the cut-scene Manny will pick up the Coat Check.

Run back to the Calavera Cafe and show the Coat Check to Lupe at the front counter. She’ll give you a Tiny Girl Jacket. Use the Jacket to find a Slip of Paper inside one of the pockets.

Leave the cafe and take the lift down to the bottom. Go right to the circular platform and go down. Continue right until you come to a circular tank. Go inside the tank to find the Tattoo Parlour.

Naranja is getting a tattoo. He’s the one that you need to make sure misses work tomorrow. Go to the left and open the Fridge Door. Pull out the Vegetable Crisper to keep the door open. Quickly go into your inventory and grab the Turkey Baster. Use it to squirt the liquid into the bottle that Naranja’s drinking out of. Naranja will take a drink and pass out.

Search Naranja to grab his Dog Tags. Show Toto the Slip of Paper with the number 6 on it. Toto will find a Photo and give it to you. Leave, go up the lift and down the stairs back to the Morgue.

Give Membrillo the Metal Detector. While he’s looking at one of the bodies use the Dog Tags on the other. Membrillo will find them and declare Naranjo dead.

Go back to the Sea Bees. You passed them on the way to the Lighthouse. Give them the Red Union Book and one of them will get arrested.

Go back to the Casino and use the Ticket Printer in your inventory. The correct code is 02 (from the cat plaque), Tue (as the day Charlie mentioned the fees are due) and 06 (from the photo that Toto gave you).

Press the Print Button to print your Ticket. You won’t be able to use it on the booth to the right. Instead walk to the left and use the Ticket on that booth. A man will come out and show you the photo finish. Manny will peel it open and discover the Photo of Olivia and Nick Kissing.

Go back to the High Rollers Club and show Nick the Photo. He’ll agree to rescue the Sea Bee. Head back to the Calavera Cafe and go to the Roulette Room. Notice which table the Policeman is playing on, the table on the right.

Go back up to Manny’s office and pick up the Pen on the table. This opens up a secret compartment with 3 red lights representing the 3 tables and a magnet button. Wait until the right red light is lit, signalling that the table on the right is being used and press the Magnet Button. The Policeman will lose and close down the Casino.

Glottis and Manny will finally be able to set sail on the ship but the adventures are not over yet!

Next: The Edge of the World

Grim Fandango Casino Calaveras County

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